Check out one of LupaSearch Boosting Engine components: mark boosted search results

From intention to conversion

Combining top-class Large Language Models, vectorization, and Natural Language Processing, LupaSearch delivers a relevant search result faster than a user hits the Enter button.

Jargon, products without detailed descriptions, or sentence-like user queries - a Smart Search does it all.

How does it work?

LupaSearch blends top-notch search market technologies to deliver a hyper-relevant search experience that boosts click-throughs and conversion rates.

Customer is choosing products

Data analyst at your service

Smart Search automatically analyzes past search patterns, recognizes trends, understands the meaning of complex queries, and adapts your search results like the top data analyst.

Semantic search that gets to the core of the user's intent

Do your users have a specific goal or need but can’t think of the exact terms to use? Smart Search combines keyword-based search with vectorization and Semantic Search. "What should I get my mom for Christmas" is enough for LupaSearch to deliver rewarding results.

AI driven search displays results
LupaSearch autosuggests search terms

Individually tailored search experience

Smart Search suggests different results based on user profiles while balancing privacy concerts. Exploiting trends and previous searches, supported by a conversation-like search engine, LupaSearch provides personalized search for each user.

Leave learning to AI

Is it a couch or a sofa? Smart Search understands them both and continuously expands the cloud of related words using OpenAI-generated synonyms. Eliminate zero-result page cases and boost user satisfaction.

AI driven search displays results
LupaSearch autosuggests search terms

Search without keywords

"Ingrendients for carbonara" gives enough context for a Smart Search to have the list of ingredients ready to cart. Even if your products have little or no descriptions, vectors-based search extracts the meaning to deliver a blazing-fast and accurate shopping experience.

Grow conversion rates with Smart Search

Our ready-to-integrate API immediately opens your business growth opportunities providing customers with a smart, fast, and intuitive search experience.

Leverage the power of machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence to deliver the most relevant and personalized results for your customers.

With no coding needed and continuous support from LupaSearch experts, you can start growing revenue and expanding your brand-loyal user base soon.

Want to learn more?

Learn about all features and benefits from LupaSearch.

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