Check out one of LupaSearch Boosting Engine components: mark boosted search results

How does product merchandising work?

A good and relevant site search can increase your store’s conversion rate by up to 50%. Provide website visitors with highly relevant search results that you want them to buy. The expected increase in sales may exceed all your previous expectations.

Product merchandising in search, also called searchandising, helps you customize search results to boost sales.

Rank your search results based on your business needs, time of the year, scheduled campaigns, special offers, and KPIs. Boost the most profitable products and help them get noticed by your visitors first.

Pick the product types you want to rank first. Arrange offers in the search results based on product popularity, discount size, and stock quantity, or promote some brands higher than others.

You can also boost specific phrases. If a user types in a term that matches the title of some products, campaigns, or projects, LupaSearch will return those results at the top.

How can your business profit from it?

Help your website visitors spot relevant products you want them to notice, improve the store’s shopping experience and boost your sales. LupaSearch gives you complete control over your search results, so you always know which products rank higher and why.

Customer is choosing products

Increase conversion rates

Adapt your website search based on your current ecommerce strategies by boosting some products and burying others. Align search results with your business KPIs, allow users to spot relevant products they did not know were in your store, and generate maximum value. In-search cross-selling and up-selling are effective strategies for differentiating your business from many of your competitors and generating more revenue.

Improve search experience

Recommend relevant products your website visitors are looking for and offer additional products that users did not know you have. Let them notice the best deals, brands, and offerings, to have a pleasant shopping experience directly in-search.

AI driven search displays results
LupaSearch autosuggests search terms

Increase satisfaction with your brand

Product merchandising, equipped with such search engine features as misspell detection, synonym suggestion, and autocomplete, ensures a smooth shopping experience with your brand. Grow a base of loyal users by perfectly satisfying their search needs.

Want to learn more?

Learn about all features and benefits from LupaSearch.

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No coding experience required, ever.

LupaSearch offers seamless product merchandising in search experience perfectly suitable for non-technical shop administrators.

LupaSearch makes it easy to set up business-relevant search campaigns, monitor results, and test new enhancements. Your goal is to set specific business KPIs and schedule campaigns. LupaSearch will help you smoothly do everything else.

Dashboard with personalization preferences