Check out one of LupaSearch Boosting Engine components: mark boosted search results

How does AI search work?

AI-enhanced search empowers hyper-relevant, personalized shopping experiences. AI synonym recognition and search personalization-based user interaction with the website help to eliminate generic product offerings and instead perfectly match users’ requests.

AI algorithm analyzes each user query, gets to the core of the search intent, and delivers custom-tailored search results. That means your shoppers will never receive generic search results and unrelated upsell offerings.

When a user's search query returns a low amount of results, AI synonym recognition (based on word2vec technology) kicks in by checking for any matches with similar words and phrases.

This way, if a user searched for Evian (water brand), the search would deliver Evian products and suggest other water brands for a user to choose from.

Also, if the user previously searched for other water brands, the search will prioritize them. The next time a person searches for water, the search will display the brands the user historically showed interest in.

Also, if the user previously searched for other water brands, the search will prioritize them. The next time a person searches for water, the search will display the brands the user historically showed interest in.

Customer is choosing products

Boost conversion rate

Understanding each search query intent helps you to deliver hyper-relevant product offerings. Relevant autocomplete, synonym offerings, and product suggestions return a highly-relevant search result. This makes users fall for intuitive buying moments and complete the purchase.

A custom-tailored AI search improves user experience with your website, reduces bounce rates, and boosts conversion rates.

Increase average order value

A website that remembers previous users’ searches can suggest the right products at the right time.

A website that remembers previous users’ searches can suggest the right products at the right time.

Control the products you recommend (the ones your website visitors cannot resist) and increase the average order value.

AI driven search displays results
LupaSearch autosuggests search terms

Increase the number of returning visitors

Consumers like to feel valued. Shoppers are more likely to return to websites that remember their in-store actions and provide highly-relevant product suggestions.

By empowering AI search, you can personalize the shopping experience for every customer. Recommend only the relevant products based on present and past interactions and increase the number of repeat shoppers. This will simultaneously increase customer lifetime value.

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Turned on and off whenever you feel like it

The AI-enhanced search results are fully automated - you only need to enable it in the dashboard. AI suggestions are available together with similar queries.

Dashboard with personalization preferences