Check out one of LupaSearch Boosting Engine components: mark boosted search results

All features and benefits

Learn about all features and benefits from LupaSearch

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Customer is choosing products


Track the products your users show interest in, rank them higher in search results and increase satisfaction with your website. LupaSearch assigns relevant products to each shopper and recommends them the next time the person uses the search.

More about Personalization

Product Merchandising

NLP replaces the need for users to type short, precise keywords (like summer dress) and then do a manual search through endless categories and filters. Instead, users can now ask the website to find a floral pattern short sleeve summer dress for a skinny woman. An AI-driven search should retrieve precisely that.

More about Product Merchandising
AI driven search displays results
LupaSearch autosuggests search terms


Rank your search results based on your business needs, time of the year, scheduled campaigns, special offers, and KPIs. Boost the most profitable products and help them get noticed by your visitors first.

More about NLP

AI Search

AI-enhanced search empowers hyper-relevant, personalized shopping experiences. AI synonym recognition and search personalization-based user interaction with the website help to eliminate generic product offerings and instead perfectly match users’ requests.

More about AI Search
LupaSearch AI-enhanced search results
Intuitive dashboard with multiple settings

Intuitive dashboard

You do not need extensive programming knowledge to make the most out of an ecommerce search. Intuitive LupaSearch dashboard allows shop administrators to monitor, configure and test search parameters directly in the UI.

More about Intuitive dashboard

Reports, Stats & Analytics

Make decisions based on your gut but backed by factual data. Track how your users interact with the search, notice the demand your business does not satisfy, and scale your business. Easy-to-read charts provide you with visual feedback about your search results.

More about Reports, Stats & Analytics
Easy-to-read chart with increasing search results
LupaSearch team is here for your success

Customer Success Management

The LupaSearch team never leaves your business to figure out the subtleties of ecommerce search on your own. Starting from integration and finishing with perfecting your search based on data from analytics, the LupaSearch team is here for your success.

More about Customer Success Management

Dynamic filtering

Cut down filter choice overload and simplify the search experience.

More about Dynamic filtering
Easy-to-read chart with increasing search results
LupaSearch team is here for your success

Vector Search

Revolutionize product discoverability. Let the search return relevant results even without product descriptions.

More about Vector Search

Lupa GenAI

Offer conversation-like search experience to deliver hyper-relevant search results.

More about Lupa GenAI
Easy-to-read chart with increasing search results
Easy-to-read chart with increasing search results

Product Recommender

Offer personalized product recommendations based on user’s previous interactions and boost your e-commerce sales.

More about Product Recommender

Smart Search

Get always-converting e-commerce search results with AI-powered Smart Search.

More about Smart Search
LupaSearch team is here for your success

Other features to boost your search

LupaSearch team is here for your success

Search suggestions with Autocomplete

Accurate prediction of your customers' search intent increases user satisfaction and boosts conversions.

LupaSearch team is here for your success

Intuitive search analytics dashboard

Customize search results and direct website users to the products you want them to discover first.

LupaSearch team is here for your success

Synonym and typo detection

Optimize your search and sell more with synonyms, spell check, and split-second autocomplete.

LupaSearch team is here for your success

Multiple language support

Accurate prediction of your customers' search intent increases user satisfaction and boosts conversions.

LupaSearch team is here for your success

Dynamic filtering and sorting

Customize search results and direct website users to the products you want them to discover first.

LupaSearch team is here for your success

A/B testing of product merchandising

Optimize your search and sell more with synonyms, spell check, and split-second autocomplete.

You get much more...


  • Multiple data sources - Indices
  • Flexible search query configuration
  • Compatibility with dynamic attributes


  • Zero-downtime reindexing
  • Search as fast as you type
  • Cloud technologies to save you from server load


  • Boosting - Numeric
  • Boosting - by brand/other value
  • Phrase boosting
  • Statistics based boosting


  • Language Specific Stemming
  • Multiple language support
  • Search suggestions, autocomplete, and spelling correction
  • Auto-generated Suggestions
  • Custom suggestions
  • Suggestions with categories
  • Similar Queries
  • Did you mean
  • Synonyms
  • Search without Latin letters
  • Partial word matches
  • AI-enhanced search results


  • Sorting
  • Facets & Filters
  • Hierarchical Facets & Filters

Front-End plugins

  • Search Box
  • Search Results
  • Integrated Event Tracking


  • Dashboard Analytics (Search Analytics Dashboard)
  • Dashboard Query Configuration
  • Dashboard Query Boosting
  • Dashboard Synonyms
  • Dashboard suggestions