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Shipzee needed to offer multi-language support

Over the last few years, Shipzee has noticed some critical website aspects that limited its relevance to end users and restricted improvement and expansion.

One of the main problems was the language aspect. Since Shipzee delivers all products from the US, the product titles and descriptions are written in English. The English-based search became an obstacle for many European countries with native languages. For instance, Lithuanian users mainly search for products in the Lithuanian language.

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Shipzee team needed

on-site solution to supercharge their search, increase product discovery, and boost conversion rates.

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LupaSearch task

LupaSearch task was to ensure that search results would display relevant products regardless of search language (English, Russian or Lithuanian).

Search result for sweaters

If a user searches for ‘megztiniai’ (in Lithuanian), all ‘sweaters’ should be displayed in the search results.

Key challenges

Horizontal progress line Vertical progress line
Point of progress

Search in three different languages

Point of progress

High volume data traffic

Point of progress

A large variety of sales channels and stores

How did LupaSearch solve Shipzee's issues?

1. Multi-language search integration

LupaSearch allows to easily specify the product search fields, i. e., where to run the search: product title only, descriptions, categories, etc.

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We have implemented this functionality by running a search on product categories (described in product fields) in different languages. If the search could not find the exact word or its direct translation in the product field, we have added search synonyms for frequently used phrases.

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Now users can search for products in three languages - English, Lithuanian, and Russian - and receive highly accurate search results.

Search result for sneaker

If a user searches for ‘kedai’ (sneakers), the search returns the result ‘sportbačiai’ (trainers).

Now users can search for products in three languages - English, Lithuanian, and Russian - and receive highly accurate search results.

2. Autocomplete functionality for increasing search relevance

Apart from synonyms for most frequently used phrases, we have also integrated an autocomplete suggestions functionality.

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We have added synonyms created by the store administrator. These synonyms are now used to autocomplete users’ search terms.

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This drastically speeded up the search, improved search relevance for the end user, and provided a better user experience.

Search result for sneaker

When a user searches for ‘ked…’ (equivalence for ‘sneak…’), it is suggested to change the search phrase to ‘sportbačiai’ (trainers).

This way, the search does two tasks simultaneously - automatically suggests a complete word and offers a more relevant synonym.

3. Faster data processing

We solved high data traffic and a wide range of US stores, sales channels, and languages by optimizing data processing.

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We have facilitated search processes by optimizing the product upload and parallel processing events. We have also dedicated a separate server infrastructure specifically for Shipzee.

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Such search optimization made Shipzee's website faster, search - quicker and more intuitive, and brought better converting customers.


More relevant search, higher search conversion rate, and happier customers

After the search integration and improvement, Shipzee noticed a higher conversion rate and revenue growth compared with the previous built-in website search.

Increased search conversions
Search conversion is boosted by automatically generated search suggestions
Revenue growth from shoppers who used onsite search

The implementation of automatically generated search suggestions now allows Shipzee to return the most relevant products that best match the user’s search query. This update translated into a sharp search conversion rate increase compared with the previous Shipzee search.

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LupaSearch has solved Shipzee's search problems with shopping area. Our users can finally use an intuitive search. The search integration was smooth, and the LupaSearch team is always there for us.

With such a custom-tailored search integration, Shipzee can provide a better search experience for their customers, increase their satisfaction, and therefore expand their revenue fast and sustainably.