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Whenever an ecommerce search engine fails to find the user’s desired product, it displays a zero-result page.

For a user - it means a dead-end. They understand you do not have the product they need.

For business - it means a lost opportunity to offer what’s relevant, sell, and increase revenue.

So, what are those zero-results pages, and what should you do to minimize their occurrence?

What are Zero-results pages?

A zero-results page is a site search result page that displays no search results for a user’s query. Whenever the site search fails to deliver the expected results, users end up at a zero-results page.

While it is a widely accepted practice to guide users to zero-results pages (if no products match their query), you should avoid this at all costs.

What does it mean for an ecommerce business?

Zero-results pages can hurt ecommerce businesses and make them lose potential sales and revenue.

If users cannot find what they are looking for, they are likely to leave the website and head to competitors’ e-shops.

Besides, zero-results pages can negatively impact a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) rankings. If many people leave your website (it has high bounce rates), search engines might consider your ecommerce store irrelevant to users.

Why do zero-results pages happen?

Contrary to popular belief, zero results pages do not necessarily mean that a shop does not have the products a customer needs. It might also mean the search engine fails to find them.

There are at least a few reasons why this happens:

  1. User error: Sometimes users make mistakes in their search query, resulting in no search results. For example, they misspell a word, use different word order, or use another word (jargon) to name a product.

  2. Insufficient content: Sometimes, there may not be enough relevant content on the website to match a user’s search query. For instance, there are no product descriptions or additional content (relevant to both users and search engines).

  3. Poor search algorithms: Search engines may not be able to accurately interpret a user’s search query. For example, the site search does not support multi-languages, the query is too specific or contains multiple search terms.

  4. Technical issues: Technical issues, such as website downtime, server errors, or network issues, can cause zero-results pages.

Losing the opportunity to sell a product you have because of a poor site search is too expensive for any ecommerce business. Nobody can afford to lose money in an area that is so easy to improve.

How can you minimize the occurrence of zero-results pages?

Many strategies can help you to minimize the occurrence of zero-results pages. Here are the five ones you should try.

  1. Add synonyms and related terms: ecommerce websites should consider adding synonyms to map related words and phrases to their respective search terms. This way, users can receive results even if they use synonyms or different phrasing for their search query.

  2. Use auto-complete and suggestion features: Auto-complete and suggestion features can help users refine their search query and suggest products or services similar to their search query.

  3. Optimize product descriptions: Make sure your product descriptions are accurate and detailed, and include relevant keywords. It can help search engines better understand the website’s content and improve search results.

  4. Turn on natural language processing (NLP): NLP enables search algorithms to get to the core of users’ search intents and deliver query-matching search results.

  5. Provide product recommendations: Offer product recommendations based on user search history and purchase behavior to increase the likelihood of finding relevant products.

Also, get used to monitoring search analytics. Frequent data analysis can help you identify patterns and trends in user behavior.

For instance, you might notice certain phrases that return zero-results pages. Based on this data, you can apply changes (like adding synonyms or supporting a new language).

If you notice repetitive queries the users are searching for (but you do not have the products), consider adding new products to your assortment. It can help you satisfy the demand and provide precisely what users are interested in.

LupaSearch - your partner in reducing the occurrence of zero-results pages

Looking for an effective ecommerce search solution to minimize the occurrence of zero-results pages?

Look no further.

LupaSearch is your go-to ecommerce search provider powered by AI.

With advanced NLP algorithms, the ability to incorporate synonyms, languages, and a range of tools for improving search relevance, LupaSearch can help your business deliver a more satisfying search experience for your customers.

Schedule a demo with LupaSearch product consultants, and let’s have a productive conversation.