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Businesses that rely on the default ecommerce search miss a large part of sales potential.

Precisely, 43% of shoppers go directly to the search bar as soon as they land on a retail website.

If your ecommerce business does not offer a search solution or it does not perform well (does not deliver the products the searcher is looking for), you might lose up to half of the potential sales.

So, why is the default ecommerce search not enough? How can you evaluate its performance and efficiency? What are the better options out there?

Why is the default search not enough for a successful business?

After the pandemic, we all went online. Now, almost all businesses have an ecommerce store.

Yet, there is still a large gap between businesses that squeeze the most out of their digital store and those that do not.

The statistics are self-explanatory. 39% of purchases are influenced by relevant searches. In fact, shoppers who use the search generate 2.6 times more revenue compared to other shoppers who do not use the search.

That means a business that offers the products the users are looking for gets the sale. This is implemented via hyper-relevant search solutions that manage to understand even the most complex user queries.

For instance, if a user searches for a Samsung fridge with an ice maker, the search should deliver precisely that.

What criteria should you use to evaluate the efficiency of your current ecommerce search solution?

The first and most critical criterion that determines site search performance is relevancy. That is, how accurately the site search understands the user’s intent and delivers the needed products.

To do that, you should consider the following factors:

Bounce rate - look at the general numbers in site analytics, especially the bounce rate. If many users leave your ecommerce store soon after landing on it, take it as a clear indication that they fail to find the wanted products. Since search is one of the methods to find them, a high bounce rate can indicate a poor product suggestion rate.

Zero-results page number - if your website supports such data, look at the zero-results page number. This number tells how many user requests return a “no results found” page. Every such number means that the user’s request was not satisfied - he did not find the product he was looking for. Most often, such users leave the website after a few seconds.

Purchases from search - of course, the best method to evaluate the effectiveness of the site search is to understand how many sales came directly from the site search. You should be able to see what users are looking for, what products and categories are currently trending, and what queries convert the best.

If your current site search does not support any custom modifications, nor it provides performance-relevant data, you might not exploit the potential that an effective site search provides.

So, are there any site search solutions that could efficiently replace your current (default) site search engine?

Ecommerce site search that does the selling job for you

LupaSearch is an effective ecommerce search engine that processes even the most complex user queries and provides hyper-relevant search results. The AI-driven search engine can help your ecommerce business increase sales.

LupaSearch is compatible with the most popular ecommerce platforms. The dedicated team of search experts guides you in your business growth journey and helps you generate the most sales out of your site search.

Take the next important step in your business growth journey. Contact a LupaSearch product consultant and receive a free demo.