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Even the most efficient and converting ecommerce site search cannot guarantee lasting and growing results unless you get back to it often to analyze user behavior and see what works and what doesn’t.

Why is this so?

How should you analyze user behavior? How can you act on the data to achieve the top ecommerce site search results?

Analyzing user behavior in ecommerce site search is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, it helps you understand your target customers better. By analyzing their browsing behavior, you can get a clear view of what kinds of products your users are most interested in, what trends they follow, and how you can adjust the search rules to satisfy their expectations better.

Then, it enables you to identify performing and underperforming ecommerce components by tracking the user site search journey flow. At its core, user journey flows transform overwhelming site search data into readable and easy-to-grasp user behavior snapshots.

It helps you identify gaps in the journey flow and optimize search functionality. You can understand why your customers abandon your site and fix the reasons.

Last, a continuous user behavior analysis translates to an increase in conversions. Once you understand what works and what doesn’t, you can easily solve the underperforming issues and boost the best practices.

User behavior analysis helps your business to make the most out of ecommerce site search.

To analyze user behavior in ecommerce site search, you should track the following metrics:

  • Number of submitted searches: Track the number of searchers to identify seasonalities, peak hours, and search usage fluctuations.

  • Unique search queries: Track unique search queries performed on your site.

  • Search results: Track the most popular products that appear in search results.

  • Trending search queries: Track the most frequently searched terms on your site.

  • Zero result searches: Track the queries (and the number of searches) that return no search results.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Track the percentage of users who click on a product after performing a search.

By tracking these metrics, you can identify patterns and trends in user behavior that can help you improve your ecommerce site.

How can you read the metrics to improve ecommerce site search efficiency?

Get back to these metrics frequently (ideally at least twice per month) and analyze the data to make well-informed, data-driven decisions.

Here’s how you should read these metrics:

  • Number of submitted searches: Is the number growing or decreasing? If only a few people are using the search, you may want to consider improving your website’s navigation or experiment with the search bar sizing, design, and location so that the search bar is easy to find.

  • Unique search queries: Use this metric to understand the diversity of user queries and identify popular products or trends. Update the product assortment accordingly.

  • Search results: Are search results relevant according to their search terms? If not, you may want to add manual or AI-generated synonyms and implement more accurate autosuggest.

  • Trending search queries: Use this metric to identify popular products, trends, or areas where your product offerings may be lacking.

  • Zero result searches: Use this metric to identify gaps in your product offerings or areas where you need to improve your search algorithm. Develop some strategies to ensure a customer never encounters a no-results page.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): A low CTR indicates that users are not finding what they are looking for in the search results. To fix this, use the AI-powered ecommerce search that tailors search results for each shopper.

Analyzing user behavior in ecommerce site search is crucial. It helps you understand your target customers, identify performing and underperforming pages, and increase conversions.

Difficult as it may sound, you are not on your own in the site search improvement journey.

The LupaSearch ecommerce site search team is here to help you analyze user behavior and achieve impressive and lasting results.

Drop us a message, request a free demo, and let’s grow your ecommerce sales together.