It’s been a while since the last update from our team!
The summer was busier than expected—we made several product improvements and are excited to share them.
Let’s take a look at what’s new in LupaSearch.
Save time with easier product import
We’ve upgraded the product import feature to simplify integration for larger catalogs. You’ll find new import templates added to your LupaSearch dashboard.
Customers can now seamlessly import up to 20,000 products without manual input, improving efficiency and reducing setup time.
Unlock a hassle-free search experience with phonetic search
Our clients are excited about this one!
Phonetic search functionality improves accuracy by recognizing phonetic variations in product names. For instance, a search for “meibilin” will now be instantly converted to “Maybelline” when phonetic search is enabled.
This feature is crucial for handling foreign characters, double letters, and other spelling variations that traditional spell-check might miss—like “ph” instead of “f” or double “w"s.
With phonetic search, your e-commerce search goes beyond simple spell-check, offering a more intelligent and adaptive search experience.
LupaSearch modules now live on various platforms
LupaSearch is now compatible with the most-demanded major eCommerce platforms. We’ve created separate modules for Idocell, Sylius Store, Magento, and Prestashop, ensuring smooth and quick integration.
These modules significantly speed up the integration process, making it easier and more efficient for users to integrate LupaSearch into their platforms.
Dashboard updates: Rule-based catalog ranking
We’ve expanded our custom ranking functionality beyond search queries, allowing the creation of rules at the catalog level.
Previously, ranking rules were based solely on keywords. Now, clients using LupaSearch can create tailored catalog rules and apply them to search and catalogs.
For example, you can pick a category (e.g., printers, based on category ID) and boost products by price or adjust their ranking.
Why did our clients ask for this feature?
Because it prevents scenarios where printer accessories rank higher than printers, providing more control over product ordering.
Dashboard updates: Unified search rules
We’ve simplified managing search rules by introducing the ability to apply them across the entire web search, eliminating the need to create separate rules for different search components.
Now, a single set of rules can be reused universally, streamlining A/B testing and cross-language searches.
LupaSearch plugin UI customization
The LupaSearch plugin now offers an enhanced UI experience, allowing users to configure and fully customize their search box in real time.
First, head to the plugin configurator in the dashboard, select “Create a New Plugin,” and fill in the necessary details.
You can then choose the type of search box you want, and a visual preview will be generated instantly.
From there, you can customize everything—placeholder text, currency display, images, and other elements—directly within the real environment, giving you full control over how the search box will look on your e-shop, all in real time.
Or… Leave it to developers!
Alternatively, you can customize the LupaSearch plugin within the developer environment, where all changes are visible in the code.
This feature allows for a more hands-on approach through the “Plugin Code Configuration” option.
Developers can upload scripts directly to the web, and any modifications can be set in the console, with options to save and preview changes.
Additional notes
We are committed to constantly improving our eCommerce search product and providing the best possible service to our customers.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions on improving it, contact our team at [email protected]. It will help us further improve our service.