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Onsite search is a crucial feature for any website, as it allows users to quickly find the information they need without having to navigate through the site’s menu or pages.

Text-based queries are one of the most common and convenient ways to perform an onsite search by typing keywords or phrases into a search bar. The website then searches its database for content that matches the text query and returns a list of relevant results.

In this article, we will discuss the advantages, best practices, challenges, and limitations of text-based queries.

Writing text into the searchfield

Advantages of Text-Based Queries

Text-based queries offer several benefits for both users and websites. The main advantages are speed and efficiency. By entering a few words, users can access the information they need in a matter of seconds without having to go through multiple pages or menus. It can drastically enhance the user experience and save time.

Another advantage of text-based queries is that they can improve user engagement and increase conversions. By making it easier for users to find the information they are looking for, the onsite search can encourage them to spend more time on the site and explore its content. It can lead to increased page views, reduced bounce rates, and higher conversion rates.

Best Practices for Text-Based Queries

To get the most out of text-based queries, it is important to follow some best practices.

One of the most important is to use clear and concise language. It means using simple, straightforward terms that are easy for users to understand. Avoid using complex or technical jargon, as this can make it difficult for users to find the information they need.

Another best practice is to implement autocomplete and autosuggest. These features can help users complete their queries more quickly and accurately and reduce the amount of typing required. Autocomplete and autosuggest can also provide users with suggestions for related terms and topics, which can further enhance the user experience.

It is also essential to consider synonyms and stemming when designing text-based queries. It means taking into account variations of words, such as plurals and verb forms. It helps users find the information they need even if they use different terms.

Finally, it is essential to provide relevant results and proper sorting. It means displaying the most relevant results at the top of the list based on the user’s query. It can help users find the information they need quickly without scrolling through a long list of irrelevant results.

Challenges and Limitations of Text-Based Queries

Despite their many advantages, text-based queries also face several challenges and limitations.

One of the biggest challenges is matching user intent and language. Users may use different words or phrases to describe the same thing, and it can be difficult for onsite search to accurately determine their intent.

Another challenge is handling misspellings and typos. Users may accidentally type in incorrect words or phrases, and it can be difficult for onsite search to identify and correct these errors.

Dealing with ambiguity and polysemy is another issue. It means that certain words or phrases can have multiple meanings, which can make it difficult for onsite search to determine the correct one.

Finally, it is important to ensure privacy and security when using text-based queries. This means protecting user data and ensuring that search results are not used for unauthorized purposes.

Text-based queries are a powerful tool for onsite search, offering users a fast and convenient way to find the information they need. However, it is critical to follow the best practices and consider the challenges and limitations to get the most out of this feature.

By doing so, websites can improve user engagement, increase conversions, and provide a better overall user experience.

In conclusion, text-based queries are a critical aspect of onsite search, offering many benefits for users and websites.

By following best practices, such as using clear language, implementing autocomplete and autosuggest, considering synonyms and stemming, and providing relevant results, websites can ensure that their onsite search is effective and user-friendly.

Despite the challenges and limitations, text-based queries have the potential to greatly enhance the user experience and increase engagement and conversions. Overall, onsite search remains a crucial feature for any website, and text-based queries are a key part of making it successful.