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When you go to a brick-and-mortar store (especially a chain), usually, you should notice that goods are arranged in a specific manner. Some brands are displayed higher or lower, and some are placed directly at your eye level.

Also, shop managers place a point-of-sale display stand to present a sale, introduce a new product, and help store visitors notice the offer. It helps offline stores increase sales.

Digital merchandising requires alternative strategies to help website visitors notice certain goods to sell more. For that, searchandising comes in handy.

So what is searchandising, and how can you exploit it to grow your business sales?

What is searchandising?

As the name suggests, searchandising stands for ‘search’ and ‘merchandising’. That means applying merchandising practices to ecommerce searches to drive sales, increase conversion rates, and hit KPIs targets.

Therefore, ecommerce shop administrators can guide the shoppers to engage them with the website, find relevant products, notice certain brands or deals, and convert.

Searchandising allows manipulating ecommerce search results to align them with business goals and planned campaigns and increase customer satisfaction with the website.

Besides, you can always analyze insights on how users interact with the search and improve the experience by making data-based decisions.

How to exploit searchandising for your ecommerce success?

A search box is one of the most underrated sales strategies that can tremendously grow your ecommerce sales. Currently, one in three website visitors goes directly to the search bar.

If these people find what they came for, they convert at least 5 times more than other regular shoppers.

It happens due to a few reasons. First, if the user searches for ‘iPhone cases’ but the search results deliver all phone cases, the user will need to manually scroll to find what they need. Likely, this would decrease the chance of a conversion.

However, if the site search understood the user’s intent and delivered only iPhone cases, the user would be more likely to convert (and do it fast).

Also, by ranking best-selling phone cases higher on the search results page, users will find what they need quickly and notice a tempting offer first. It can help users fall for that I-want-to-buy moment and complete a purchase soon after landing on your website.

Therefore, understanding shoppers’ intents and satisfying them (by exploiting the benefits of searchandising) can radically improve your store’s conversion rates and user satisfaction with your website.

How can you achieve that?

Best searchandising practices you should apply

A good searchandising strategy satisfies not only business owners but customers too.

Users who had a great shopping experience on a website are more likely to come back again. For businesses, a loyal group of customers always delivers higher lifetime customer value than random shoppers.

So, what strategies could you apply to your own ecommerce store to grow your sales?

Invest in AI-driven ecommerce search solution

By implementing an AI-driven e-commerce search solution, you can drastically improve your store’s conversion rates, user satisfaction, and loyalty.

A reliable search partner (like LupaSearch) helps you to make the most out of your ecommerce search. The best part is that you do not need coding experience or dedicated IT personnel. LupaSearch does it all for you.

Analyze user behavior to make data-based decisions

A reliable ecommerce search solution usually has a Reports, Stats, and Analytics tool.

Use it periodically to understand how website visitors interact with your search, what products are trending, and what areas you should improve. (For instance, sometimes users expect you to have certain products, but they bump into the zero-results page.)

Use search to promote seasonal campaigns and special offers

If it is winter and a shopper is searching for a dress, statistically more likely is that she is looking for a warm and cozy piece of clothing (instead of a beach dress).

Adjusting product offerings based on the season (or other business-relevant criteria) helps you increase the relevancy of the products and sell more.

Rank best-selling products higher on the search results page

Promote new arrivals, stock addition, best offers, and most-wanted products by ranking them higher on the search results page. Usually, these products generate top value.

By letting more visitors see them, you increase the chances of successfully selling them to a larger audience.

Boost best-converting brands or custom collections

Increase the average cart value by creating product bundles and promoting best-converting categories. By adding and promoting frequently bought-together items, you can substantially increase not only your conversion rate but also your business revenue.

Future of Searchandising

Looking ahead, the evolution of search traffic concentration could have significant implications. This concentration can intensify brand competition, lower average prices, and enhance consumer welfare.

As technology progresses, these factors are likely to become even more influential in shaping the future of online retail [1].


Searchandising represents a sophisticated combination of search technology and merchandising in the online retail space. Its impact on pricing strategies, consumer behavior, and the overall shopping experience underscores its importance in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

As we move forward, understanding and leveraging the principles of searchandising will be crucial for retailers looking to thrive in the digital marketplace.

LupaSearch - a reliable search merchandising partner

Unlock unlimited scaling opportunities by collaborating with a reliable search partner.

LupaSearch offers AI-driven, business-tailored ecommerce search that supports customized product boosting, ranking, and other searchandising techniques.

Schedule a demo with LupaSearch product consultants today, see how the search would work on your ecommerce store, and take a step toward your business success.