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Product merchandising in search (also called Searchandising) is a modern feature of ecommerce site search. It allows you to modify search results to boost your ecommerce sales, improve conversion rates, and earn more profit.

Businesses that exploit this feature notice a stunning increase in their conversion rates. In the case of LupaSearch clients, this number grows up to 8 times.

So, how can you increase online sales with product merchandising?

How does product merchandising work?

Product merchandising in search (or Searchandising) offers freedom and control over your search results. For instance, you can rank the products in the search results based on individual business needs: sales, campaigns, seasonality, KPIs, and other factors.

Search merchandising is similar to traditional merchandising in brick-and-mortar stores. You can rank certain products above others, organize search results, and track how users interact with your store to increase sales.

So, how can you implement product merchandising in your ecommerce search to grow business sales?

How can searchandising help you increase online sales?

Ecommerce site search can lead a business to success or disappointment.

Statistics suggest that almost half of website visitors go directly to the search bar as soon as they land on a website.

The shoppers that use the search, statistically, drive more revenue to the ecommerce business. They spend at least 2.6X more money than buyers who do not use the search.

Here is how you can improve your ecommerce results using searchandising:

Rank best-selling products higher

Show best-selling or most popular products higher on the search results page. It can help you immensely increase the conversion rates, especially when website visitors search for generic terms like “shoes”, “sunglasses”, or “books for kids”.

A shoe retailer FootSmart increased their conversion rates by 82% when it started displaying top-selling products alongside search results.

Hide out-of-stock products

If the person searches for generic products, hide the ones that you sold out. Alternatively, suggest other hyper-relevant products. Make sure the shopper has a variety of similar products to choose from.

Also, pay close attention to search terms that return zero results. Review those search terms and make some adjustments. For instance, provide related product suggestions, add synonyms or update stocks. Ensure that your users never see the zero-results page.

Merchandise categories, special offers, discounts

Similarly, as you would promote special deals in a physical store, apply the same logic to the online shop.

Product merchandising allows you to promote business-relevant product categories, special offers, or discounts directly in the search results. Choose certain products, rank them higher in the search results, and notice the effect on sales.

You can always apply a ranking strategy that best suits your business. For example, you can rank products according to the user-relevancy (personalization), discount size, stock quantity, brand name, seasonality, and many other criteria.

Boost specific search phrases

You can also boost search phrases you expect to bring the most value to your business.

If a user types in a term that matches the title of some products, campaigns, or projects, the ecommerce site search will return those results at the top.

Product merchandising (or Searchandising) is an essential feature offered by modern ecommerce site search solutions that can drastically improve your ecommerce business effectiveness.

Choose a trusted search partner (like LupaSearch) and discover how product merchandising in search can help you to grow revenue effectively and increase customer satisfaction.

Schedule a demo with a LupaSearch product consultant. We will happily assist you in your business growth.