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A relevant search influences almost 40% of purchases. One in ten unhappy customers will immediately bounce to a competitor’s website if they experience an unsatisfactory search experience.

Therefore, a seamless search experience directly boosts conversion rates and increases income.

So, how can you ensure a seamless search experience for ecommerce shoppers? We have gathered eight best practices that you should try out.

Create a seamless ecommerce search experience: 8 best practices

Currently, 72% of ecommerce websites fail users’ search expectations.

As an ecommerce business owner that seeks onsite search improvement, you have a high chance of meeting even the most demanding shoppers’ needs.

Here’s how.

#1 Make the search box visible

Almost every second shopper goes directly to a search bar when he lands on a website. Make it easily visible. If a user needs to put effort into searching for it, he will not bother to do that.

The best place to place a search box is at the top of your website. Make it a clickable box - a user should be able to start typing instantly. It is a highly intuitive place every shopper will look at.

#2 Use user-language keywords

Ensure that the product titles, descriptions, and tags include relevant keywords that match what customers search for. All product titles should be written in the natural language - the way your users call the products.

For instance, if you operate in the US mainly, use US spelling and wording. It will help users find what they’re looking for more quickly and intuitively.

#3 Use filters and facets

Allow shoppers to filter and sort their search results based on different criteria, such as price, material, size, brand, and category.

Faceted search helps users narrow down their options and find what they’re looking for more within just a few clicks.

#4 Provide detailed product information

Detailed product information, including high-quality images (or videos) and descriptions, can help shoppers make more informed purchasing decisions.

Identify what additional information your customers would benefit from. For instance, include size charts if you are selling footwear or clothing.

Detailed product descriptions increase search relevancy as the search engine has more content to work on. Besides, it can also help reduce the number of returns, as shoppers will better understand what they’re buying.

#5 Use auto-suggest

Auto-suggest feature predicts what a shopper is searching for based on his inputs and offers suggestions in real-time, making it easier for him to find a needed product.

Implementing an auto-suggest feature can significantly improve the search experience, boost conversion rates, and improve overall user satisfaction with your website.

#6 Turn on personalization

Personalizing the search experience based on a shopper’s searches and purchases can help them find what they’re looking for more quickly. The AI-driven site search can adapt product suggestions and offer products that perfectly match the user’s previous interests.

Besides, people like personalized content. Every second shopper prefers buying from a brand that personalizes his shopping experience. Precisely, personalization can increase conversion rates from 6 to 10 percent.

#7 Do not forget the mobile experience

Nine in ten young Americans shop on their smartphones. As a business owner, you must optimize your ecommerce site for mobile phones.

It includes having a mobile-friendly design, fast load times, and a user-friendly interface. Make sure to test onsite search on mobile devices to ensure they deliver a smooth search experience.

#8 Correct typos

Implementing a typo correction feature can drastically improve the search experience for shoppers. This feature can detect and correct common typos and misspellings, ensuring that shoppers can still find what they’re looking for even if they make a mistake in their search query.

Besides, you can immensely reduce frustration for your customers. For your business, you can better satisfy users’ requests and see them converting at a higher rate.

That being said, providing a seamless search experience is critical to winning a purchase in this highly competitive ecommerce world.

By following these tips, you can improve the shopping experience for your customers and increase the chances of them purchasing at your shop.