Search that blindly matches search queries with keywords in product titles and descriptions is no longer sufficient.

Yes, it works well for exact, perfectly formulated search queries, but fails to deliver a rewarding user experience for long and complex ones.

Just before the AI buzzword became popular, the vector search combined with keyword search started doing wonders for e-commerce shops.

Now, vector search redefines the whole e-commerce search game. It delivers the shopping experience users can’t resist.

Let’s discuss how.

Why is traditional (keyword-based) search not enough?

Keyword-based search (considered a traditional search) is not enough to meet the expectations of modern shoppers. Today’s online shoppers don’t necessarily know exactly what they are looking for - they expect an online shop to help them find what they need.

That’s where the limitations of keyword-based search emerge.

A straightforward search that matches the query with the text in the product description struggles to understand the nuanced intent behind user queries. It is inflexible in handling synonyms, making it challenging to capture the full breadth of user expressions.

In such a case, “a hat for a Peaky Blinders themed party” would be too difficult for a traditional search to grasp. If the product description did not have it written, the search would fail to return the result.

Also, complex queries, such as those specifying product criteria like “floral summer dress” or “15-inch laptop,” surpass the capabilities of traditional search engines. It fails to index and retrieve information from sources beyond text effectively.

And that is where vector search comes into play.

Vector search introduces a multidimensional perspective to product search, solving the limitations of a traditional search.

The AI-powered features extend beyond keyword matching, offering users a more intuitive, context-aware, and inclusive shopping experience.

Vector search translates each item into a vector, a mathematical representation in a multi-dimensional space where each dimension corresponds to a feature or attribute of the item.

Similarly, user queries are converted into vectors. The similarity between vectors is then used to determine the relevance of search results. The closer the vectors, the more relevant the result is considered.

  • It supports product search via images.

Vector search enables users to explore products even without textual descriptions.

On the one hand, users can upload a Christmas decoration photo, and the search will find it. On the other hand, the search can extract product information from product photos, eliminating the need for writing in-depth product descriptions.

  • It extracts product criteria from the search query.

Vector search empowers users to define product criteria, such as searching for a “floral summer dress” or a “15-inch laptop.” The search would automatically return results with filters “floral pattern” or “15 inches” applied.

  • It understands the semantic meanings behind words.

Vector search delves deep into the semantic relationships between products, providing search results that align with the user’s intent.

It is particularly beneficial when searching for products with nuanced features (like 10X zooming binoculars) or specific functionalities (nighttime vision binoculars).

  • It supports cross-language search.

Vector search excels in comprehending user queries in multiple languages, ensuring language barriers do not hinder the search process. Users can seamlessly explore product catalogs regardless of their language.

The search engine will automatically translate the search query without users noticing it and return highly relevant search results.

Become a part of a redefined e-commerce search future

Vector search has already reshaped the way users shop online. With its ability to understand users’ intent, provide nuanced results, and adapt to complex user queries, vector search is necessary for each growth-seeking e-commerce business.

Introduce a LupaSearch - a converting, AI-driven e-commerce search solution that seamlessly combines traditional and vector search.

Elevate your product discovery. Book a free demo at LupaSearch, and together let’s redefine your business’ e-commerce search success.