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Whenever a user sees a “zero results’’ page after typing in a search query, it frustrates him. For the consumer, it means the product he is looking for is not available in the e-shop.

Most frequently, such a user will immediately leave your website and shop at your competitors.

However, a “zero result” page does not always mean that the product a person is looking for does not exist. In many cases, the site search fails to find these products.

So, how can you minimize the occurrence of “zero results” pages by introducing a converting site search?

What are “zero results” pages?

In short, “zero results” directly translate to “no purchase.” Or, in most cases, a lost client, too.

A site search returns a blank page when it cannot match a user’s query with a relevant product offering. In other words, when the ecommerce store does not have a product the user is looking for.

Some dedicated users might rephrase their search and type in the query again. However, in most cases, such a person will abandon the website.

Why are “zero results” pages harmful to ecommerce businesses?

In this highly competitive ecommerce world and a short user attention span, dissatisfied users often lead to a loss of potential purchases.

Therefore, in the short term, a “zero results” page harms the overall user experience with your ecommerce store. Besides, it changes user attitudes toward your brand. If you cannot offer what a user needs, he will be less likely to revisit your website later.

In the long term, an unoptimized “zero results” page adversely impacts your business success. The bounce rates increase, user satisfaction decreases, and the potential revenue shrinks.

How can site search help you minimize the occurrence of “zero results” pages?

You cannot completely avoid “zero results” pages. Sometimes even top-class retailers finish their stocks. But these are rare cases.

Usually, the root of the problem is the site’s capability to understand the intended user’s meaning and return relevant products.

For instance, if you are a phone and phone case seller, your search should understand that the iPhone search query might stand for both the phone and its accessories, including cases.

If you are selling fridges, your website should offer the same results for search queries fridge and refrigerator.

That means, if you want to minimize the occurrence of “zero results” pages, you should first improve the accuracy of your site search.

Here’s how to do that.

AI-driven search for reducing bounce rates and improving user satisfaction

Research by Agustina (2020) highlights that AI-driven site search not only reduces bounce rates but also significantly improves user experience by addressing usability issues like navigation and information clarity. This supports the notion that enhancing search functionality can have a profound impact on customer retention and satisfaction [1].

Therefore, an AI-technology-driven site search can become a lifesaver for your ecommerce business. It plays a critical role in your business success - it understands what users actually search for and delivers it.

Further, Singh (2023) confirms that integrating AI into site search greatly personalizes the shopping experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which directly contributes to ecommerce success [2].

A converting ecommerce search engine like LupaSearch translates even the most complex user search queries into relevant product suggestions.

This capability is critical as improved search accuracy significantly increases user satisfaction by ensuring the search results more closely align with user intentions, thereby minimizing the likelihood of ‘zero results’ pages [3].

How does it do that?

LupaSearch - your ideal conversion-boosting site search pick

First, due to intelligent Natural Language Processing capabilities, LupaSearch allows your ecommerce website to support various synonyms (fridge and refrigerator included). This immediately eliminates the “zero results” pages that popped up because of wrong users’ requests.

Then, the always-converting Smart Search automatically completes the user query as he types. If a user searches for broad terms, it suggests alternative or more specific queries. This way, a user can pick the most relevant search query, including the one he did not think of beforehand.

Also, you can periodically review the queries that caused the most “zero results” pages. Just head to the Reports, Stats, and Analytics, and find the data on search interactions. Use this data to plan your future product offerings, stock expansion, and, as a result, business growth.

The best thing is that you do not need any coding knowledge to achieve that. There are LupaSearch dedicated search experts for that.

Schedule a demo with a LupaSearch product consultant, and let’s discuss how you can make the most out of your ecommerce site search.


  1. Agustina, H. (2020). Impact of Usability to User Experience on Site. International Journal of Applied Business and International Management.

  2. Singh, N. (2023). AI-Driven Personalization in eCommerce Advertising. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology.

  3. Dan, O., & Davison, B. (2016). Measuring and Predicting Search Engine Users’ Satisfaction. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 49, 1 - 35.