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According to online shoppers, 72% of ecommerce websites fail to meet site search expectations.

Today’s users expect a seamless, intuitive, and fast way to find the right products, purchase them, and receive them soon.

For an ecommerce business, meeting the demand and expectations becomes essential.

So, what ecommerce search criteria should your business meet?

Why is it critical to meet ecommerce shoppers’ expectations?

Shoppers have high expectations when it comes to their online shopping experience. 64% of users head straight to the search bar when landed on the website.

Further experience defines the likelihood of the conversion.

Studies underline the significance of search engine quality from the customer’s perspective [1]. If users cannot find the product they need within a few seconds, they will immediately abandon the website and head to the competitor.

Therefore, failing to meet expectations can not only lead to low customer satisfaction but to lost revenue, too.

So, how can you know your ecommerce search meets the expectations and helps website visitors find what they need?

Key Ecommerce Search Criteria for Business Success

Search accuracy

Your search engine should deliver relevant search results based on the user’s query. That means the site search has to understand the customer’s intent and provide results accordingly.

Typos, language-specific jargon, and difficult-to-spell product names do not make this task easier for users and the search engine. You have to be sure your search engine gets the core of search requests despite all possible linguistic obstacles.

You can improve search accuracy in the following ways:

  • Turn on autocomplete. It predicts the search query based on the user’s keystrokes and displays relevant suggestions in real-time.

  • Recognize synonyms. Not all users use the same words to name products. For example, if a customer searches for “sneakers,” a search engine would also return results for “running shoes” or “athletic footwear.”

  • Detect typos. A search engine should recognize misspelled words and suggest the correct term.

Delivering relevant search results in alignment with the user’s intent is critical. The research suggests that using such techniques will improve search accuracy and thus enhance user experience [2].

Sorting & filtering options

Customers should have filter options to narrow down their search results and complete purchases faster.

The filters should be relevant to the customer’s search and provide options like price, brand, material, pattern, size, color, etc. Make sure it is easy for a shopper to access and use filters.

Providing customers with intuitive and dynamic filtering options can significantly streamline the shopping process.

User-intuitive interface

Even the widest and most demanded product assortment cannot guarantee your ecommerce business success. You also have to make those products easy to find.

For that, an intuitive interface should become one of your priorities. Make your website easy to navigate and a search bar easily visible and accessible (ideally, at the top of the website).

One study highlights the importance of engaging users through an interactive and aesthetically pleasing interface, which directly impacts the overall user engagement with technology [3].


Statistics suggest that every second shopper spends more money on personalized websites.

Search Result Personalization can significantly enhance the shopping experience, with nearly 60% of shoppers finding personalized websites easier to navigate.

Offering product recommendations based on a customer’s browsing history and preferences can lead to increased satisfaction and higher sales.

Undoubtedly, web personalization effects are positive on online consumer behavior. [4]. Make sure to exploit that on your e-shop.

Mobile Optimization

60.9% of the U.S. population are mobile buyers. Therefore, it is essential to have a mobile-optimized website or mobile application.

With this significant portion of the population shopping on mobile devices, optimizing for mobile is no longer optional. A mobile-friendly website should feature quick loading times, easy navigation, and a search bar that’s accessible without digging through menus.

Search merchandising

Your ecommerce search should also support a search merchandising feature. It allows you to tailor search results to highlight specific products, promotions, or campaigns.

There are many search merchandising practices you could try. The most sales-driving are: showcasing best-selling products, highlighting new arrivals, or promoting sales and discounts.

LupaSearch - your ecommerce search partner that ticks all the boxes

At LupaSearch, we tick all the boxes and meet all the essential criteria of a highly-performing ecommerce search.

Our advanced search technology, powered by Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, delivers highly relevant search results regardless of user language, typos, or jargon.

With LupaSearch, you can provide customers with a seamless and personalized search experience, drive sales, and ultimately grow your business.

Contact our product consultant and receive a free demonstration.

Incorporating these research-backed insights into ecommerce strategies can significantly enhance user satisfaction and conversion rates, positioning businesses for success in the highly competitive online marketplace.


  1. Xie, M., Wang, H., & Goh, T. (1998). Quality dimensions of Internet search engines. Journal of Information Science, 24, 365 - 372. doi: 10.1177/016555159802400509.

  2. Ji, Z. (2013). Research on Evaluation of B2C E-commerce Site’s User Experience. Information Sciences.

  3. O’Brien, H., & Toms, E. (2008). What is user engagement? A conceptual framework for defining user engagement with technology. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. doi: 10.1002/ASI.V59:6.

  4. Ho, S., Bodoff, D., & Tam, K. (2011). Timing of Adaptive Web Personalization and Its Effects on Online Consumer Behavior. Inf. Syst. Res., 22, 660-679. doi: 10.1287/isre.1090.0262.