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43% of users head to the search bar as soon as they land on the website. If the search works smoothly, in some cases, it can account for as much as 40% of all ecommerce revenue.

Where should you place a search bar? And what should it look like?

Let’s discuss the top ecommerce conversion hacks you should implement right now.

We’re sure there were times you landed on an ecommerce website, wanted to quickly check if they have the product, but ended up struggling to find a search bar.

Sounds about right?

If you behave similarly to the majority of internet users, most likely, you did not bother to browse all website content. Probably, you abandoned the website and visited the next one on the Google results page.

And that is exactly what you should aim to avoid if you have your own ecommerce business.

No search bar = no conversions

Search bars play a critical role in ecommerce.

Efficient information search and the perceived value of online information significantly impact consumer decisions and conversion rates. Inaccurate, poorly presented, or insufficient information can deter users, highlighting the importance of a well-designed and optimally placed search bar [1]. If the user can’t find the search bar or the search bar performs poorly, the retailer loses just as many conversion opportunities. Inevitably, the ecommerce search bar is one of those website design areas you have to perfect.

A user-friendly search interface builds trust

A user-friendly, accessible search interface contributes to improving web experience, trust, and confidence, which are essential for ecommerce success [2]

Besides, a good web experience fosters consumer trust and confidence, thereby enhancing e-commerce profitability. This underlines the necessity of not only the search bar’s presence but also its performance and ease of use [2].

How come?

A search bar is the first point of interaction with your e-shop

The search bar is one of the most critical features that can significantly impact user experience and conversion rates.

Here’s why:

  • It allows users to find what they are looking for quickly and get relevant results within seconds.

  • When users easily find what they are looking for, they are more likely to purchase.

  • It helps you to stand out from the crowd by providing a seamless user experience.

  • It highly improves user satisfaction and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Statistics suggest that people who use the search bar are around 2X - 3X more likely to convert. It is highly worth it to invest in a well-designed search bar.

So, how can you achieve that?

Best ecommerce practices: What should the search bar look like?

Although websites design the search bar in many different ways, and there is no single “right” choice, there are some best tendencies the top ecommerce players all share.

  • Search bar size: The search bar should be large enough for users to enter their search queries comfortably. We recommend a minimum width of 27 characters.

  • Search button: Include a search button next to the search bar that users can click to submit their search query. Also, the search should be triggered by pressing the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

  • Search button size: Make the search button wide enough so users do not have to point the mouse precisely (or struggle to press the precise button on mobile devices).

  • Clear label: The label for the search bar should be clear and descriptive, such as “Search” or “Find Products.” Avoid using ambiguous or confusing labels.

One rule for sure - the search bar has to be visible.

Never bury it in the footer or the navigation menu. (We have seen some websites where we could not find the search bar in those areas, too - could it be the case that there isn’t one at all?)

So, aim to place a search bar in a very expected website area. Usually, this area is top-right or top-center of the web page. In some cases, the search bar has to be the no 1. item on your web page.

If you do not have enough space at the top of your website, alternatively, you can move the search bar to the top-left of the website. Place a search icon and expand the bar whenever a user hovers or clicks on it.

Of course, you can adjust the placement of the search bar depending on the specific design of your ecommerce website, the number of products and categories, or the user experience goals.

If you were to take a single rule from this article, this would be it - users have to find the search bar in seconds.

Apply the changes to your ecommerce website and enjoy the growing conversion rates.


  1. Grant, R., Clarke, R., & Kyriazis, E. (2007). A review of factors affecting online consumer search behaviour from an information value perspective. Journal of Marketing Management, 23, 519 - 533. doi: 10.1362/026725707X212801.

  2. Pan, Y., Wang, M., Chen, C., & Qu, H. (2017). Research on the Influence of Web Experience on Consumers’ Purchasing Intention. Journal of Business Administration Research, 6, 8. doi: 10.5430/JBAR.V6N2P8.