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Site Search Product Features

What is Search Merchandising?
Ecommerce Search
Product Features
April 04, 2024

What is Search Merchandising?

Search merchandising, also known as “Searchandising” mirrors the assistance provided by a salesperson in a brick-and-mortar store, transferred to the digital...

The role of APIs in successful site search integration
Ecommerce Search
Product Features
November 17, 2023

The role of APIs in successful site search integration

APIs have revolutionized the site search business market. Ecommerce store developers no longer need to be site search experts. You no longer need to build a...

Why should you use Ecommerce search product recommender?
Ecommerce Search
Product Features
October 02, 2023

Why should you use Ecommerce search product recommender?

59% of online shoppers prefer buying items from websites that personalize their shopping experience, suggest custom products, and adapt the suggestions based on...