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Ecommerce Site Search

What are autocomplete and suggested (predictive) search?
Ecommerce Search
March 08, 2024

What are autocomplete and suggested (predictive) search?

Autocomplete is a feature in ecommerce search that provides real-time suggestions based on the user’s input. This technology, popularized by platforms like...

Understanding Thematic Search in Site Search: Enhancing User Experience and Content Discovery
Ecommerce Search
March 05, 2024

Understanding Thematic Search in Site Search: Enhancing User Experience and Content Discovery

In ecommerce, finding the products you are searching for is crucial. Yet, traditional keyword-based search methods often struggle to understand the full context...

What Is Placeholder Text
Ecommerce Search
February 21, 2024

What Is Placeholder Text

Placeholder text plays a vital role in web and graphic design, providing temporary content that holds designated spaces until the actual content is provided....

How Semantic Search is Changing the Way We Search
Ecommerce Search
February 15, 2024

How Semantic Search is Changing the Way We Search

For many years, search engines have relied on matching keywords to deliver search results. However, with the advent of semantic search technology, this approach...

Understanding Site Search Analytics and Its Role in Business Growth
Ecommerce Search
February 14, 2024

Understanding Site Search Analytics and Its Role in Business Growth

Site search analytics is critical for businesses aiming to enhance their online presence and achieve growth. A comprehensive analysis involves understanding...

What is search relevance?
Ecommerce Search
February 12, 2024

What is search relevance?

Relevance is a critical aspect of any search engine. It is the degree to which a search engine’s results meet the user’s needs. In other words, search relevance...

Understanding Search Engine as a Service
Ecommerce Search
February 09, 2024

Understanding Search Engine as a Service

Search as a Service employs the Software as a Service (SaaS) model to provide website search functionalities. This model, functioning on a cloud basis, offers...

10 common site search mistakes you should avoid
Ecommerce Search
December 23, 2023

10 common site search mistakes you should avoid

On many well-performing ecommerce websites, the site search accounts for up to 40% of total revenue. If you seek to reach the same number on your store, you...

How can you manage product choice overload with site search?
Ecommerce Search
December 17, 2023

How can you manage product choice overload with site search?

Choice overload, known as the paradox of choice or choice paralysis, defines how humans get overwhelmed when they have many options. The concept is especially...

How does ecommerce site search impacts customer loyalty and retention?
Ecommerce Search
December 15, 2023

How does ecommerce site search impacts customer loyalty and retention?

Loyal customers keep ecommerce businesses thriving. They return to the brand’s websites for repeated purchases and recommend it to their friends. Sounds great,...